About Me


Welcome to devotedtoanimals.com!  My name is Susan and this site is dedicated to all the animals in the world who give us so much love and company and to their devoted owners, carers, guardians who in turn look after the animals’ every need, care, health, food, exercise… let’s face it, their every desire! And they are totally worth every minute of care and attention as they have every right to enjoy their lives, just as much as humans in my opinion.


The last few years have seen me qualify various animal-related courses including Veterinary Nursing, Dog Training and Behaviour, Dog grooming and others, and while circumstances meant that I haven’t been able to professionally use the knowledge I gained, it would be a waste if I didn’t use it somehow so I thought I’d share it. 


I do actually consider animals equal to humans – we too are animals – and so my aim with this site is to share some thoughts, stories, photos, basically anything to do with our animal friends – cats, dogs and wild ones besides. 


Let me introduce you to our beautiful angel, Flaki. We hope you find this site helpful and interesting. As we are Devoted To Animals, we must do everything possible to look after their wellbeing in every sense – they are a part of the family after all – and even if they do not live inside the house with us, they still deserve all the best care we can give them, domestic or wild.


Apart from animals, I love travel, tv, books, cinema, music, languages and anything creative.


If you have any questions, feel free to write to me at the address below and I will get back to you. In the meantime, please subscribe to our site to receive updates and occasional special offers.



All the best


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